Vampires are associated with something gloomy, terrible, vicious, but invariably stylish, gothic and fascinating: it is almost always some kind of dangerous adventure, full of supernatural forces, inhuman abilities and staring through the edge of sexuality. However, in the new game Realmforge Studios Vampires are associated only with boredom and monotony.
However, the concept itself Dark It causes reverse feelings-it is a tough, not forgiven for stealth explosion errors in a setting that reminds the world Vampire: The Masquarade. Here, too, vampires live among people in modern megacities, are divided into clans and castes, and the most influential and old bloodsuckers own steamboats, factories and corporations. The converted vampire Eric, in order to survive and understand how he reached such a life, should visit many of these old -timers. With open arms, no one is waiting for him, and the newcomer is killed surprisingly quickly. Therefore, he has to act as secretly as possible, using title darkness as the main ally and his shadow superpowers ..
Shadow vision allows you to see enemies and even their weapons through the walls of enemies (if you “pump” this skill well).
Actually, the stealth in the game is well worked out. Dark really does not forgive mistakes and does not allow you to quickly run the level. The guards are very suspicious here, they hear and see perfectly, and if they notice the hero, they immediately raise the alarm and begin to look for it with the whole crowd. We have to wait, study the trajectories of the motion of the patrols, carefully remove the bodies and go around the places that can raise excess noise, whether it is scattered glass under the feet or a museum exhibit on photocells, which itself turns on and begins to loudly report different interesting facts.
But most importantly, you need to correctly use the numerous shadow skills of the hero. They allow you to quickly, almost instantly move to the selected point (for example, behind the enemy’s back or on the railing of the stairs);kill enemies at a distance;create a noise that makes the guards look the other way;to turn into a shadow for a while;and so on. The use of the majority of abilities requires life glasses, and we get those when we do not just kill the guard, sneaking up to him from behind, but drink all the blood from him. True, this takes time and raises the noise, so you have to be careful ..
All Eric’s skills open and “pump” as experience gaining. “Excu” is given out for the murder of enemies and the successful completion of tasks. Moreover, if we do all this without raising excess noise, we will get an additional award.
In general, the stealth mechanic Dark In terms of set of possibilities, there will be little to give in, for example, Dishonored. Moreover, here the hero’s superpowers (for example, the same fast teleportation behind the back) do not turn into a legalized cheat: even with them Eric remains very vulnerable.
Boring hide and seek
Fans of secretive stomachs with enemies, in theory, should be satisfied, but most likely they even get bored sooner or later. Because in all other parameters Dark Outfitly inferior to competitors – here is a sluggish and completely predictable plot, a primitive design, wretched directing and uninteresting characters.
At first you don’t notice this yet. The game meets us with scenes of the strange visions of an angel talking to Eric, then we find ourselves in a stylish night club called “shelter”: it is he who will become our base, where new vampire friends give the main character of the assignment and help with advice. We go to the first business, joyfully try our shadow power and already anticipate a fascinating and bloody adventure, but soon we understand that it will not be just.
The plot boils down to a series of the same type of missions that make it hide for a long time, then one blow to kill the main evil, to understand that this does not help again, return to the night club and get a tip on a new target. The locations and goals are changing, but the design and the presentation of history itself remain equally primitive: the visions of the angel, miserable scenes on the engine, mostly empty cold interiors (only in the den of old vampires there are interesting details like bloody paintings on the walls or collection of human organs).
Some dynamics and intrigue are twisted closer to the finale, when Eric falls into a trap, saves her beloved girl, learns a lot of new things about herself and even faces a choice, revealing two different endings of the game. But before that you still need to endure. Perhaps many would have been chosen, be in Dark better developed role -playing component. From RPG there are only “pumping” skills and a couple of simple side tasks that the inhabitants of the “shelter” give out.
Among enemies, not only special forces, guards or old vampires come across, but also ghouls dropped to the level of brainless monsters.
For a long time to sit in an ambush, waiting for the right time, over and over again, to recall difficult places and endure other hardships in games, we are usually ready only for the sake of something-an interesting story, an attractive atmosphere, some additional awards. IN Dark There is none of this. Enjoy the project Realmforge Studios Only those who perceive it as a pure stealth symbol, devoid of everything else, which turns naked mechanics into a full-fledged game will be able. However, they are hardly pleased with the fact that only 2-3 are really in demand from the whole variety of shadow abilities of the protagonist.
Pros: well-developed stealth mechanic;The hero has many interesting skills;You can drink blood.
Cons: boring plot;weak directing;flat characters;inconvenient management;Of all the abundance of abilities, only a few.