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Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday: Review

History lessons from the Chinese government did not pass for Paradox Interactive for nothing. Having received a considerable number of reproaches and accusations of turning the canons of the History of the PRC in their world during the Second World War, the Swedish players decided to temporarily abandon the midnight readings of documentary archives in favor of freed -designed fantasies for the current topic of an alternative past.Davinci’s Gold Casino review

"What if?" – The central issue of the main campaign of freshly baked add-on Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday ("Victory Day 2. New War", through the efforts of devoted strategives from Snowball). So, in the yard autumn 1945. Fascist Germany is defeated, the last foci of Nazi resistance have been crushed, and the Japanese emperor signed a surrender of surrender a month ago. But with the eradication of a common threat, the world does not come to the desired prosperity, two powerful and implacable rival – the USSR and the USA enters the political scene. The first bold blow was the Red Army. Answer "allied" the troops were not long in coming. The American B-29 American bombers raised at anxiety from the Turkish air base, some of which were equipped with a deadly atomic ammunition, struck the heart of the Soviet Union. The planet choked in a new, much more destructive and dangerous military agony.

Plot action Doomsday It lasts until January 1, 1954 (the game period compared to the original was significantly increased, but the time to conquer the total world domination is still disastrous). Such temporary restrictions are associated with the mysterious death of Stalin, the departure of which laid the foundation for a completely different story. However, scenario attempts to reproduce the Militarian Cold War did not limit themselves to the retelling of the eternal confrontation of capitalism and socialism. In a number of side scenarios of the country, social camps act hand in hand with Western states. A striking example – operation "Snowfall", telling about the military expansion of the curious American-Russian duo into the territory of Japan. Although if this option does not suit your exacting nature, a fashionable debutant – Mission editor – flexibly responding to any wishes of the player is ready to come to the rescue at any time.

The seven -year extension of the gameplay framework brought to the game a standard set consisting of a pack of new units and an overgrown tree of technology for a strategic expansion pack. The former of the former were the indispensable military attributes of the middle of the last century like helicopters, atomic submarines, N-bombs, intercontinental missiles, anti-aircraft complexes and jet aircraft that have overcome the sound line.

But the main innovation, without a twinge of conscience, can be called the appearance of special services. As in real life, intelligence organizations play a leading role in foreign policy. Open the bookmark "Intelligence" And you will get a solid help – spies into your ranks. In the manner of their diplomatic colleagues, secret agents hold their shares strictly once a week. The professional capabilities of faithful intelligence officers are amazing: here you have the theft of secret technologies and the elimination of objectionable ministers (by the way, if you resort to the system of custom -made murders in the early stages of the game, this will never affect the events planned with the participation of the eliminated personality – the brainwashing of the ordinary population and even the arrangement of rebellion and uprisings. Another thing is that the chances of the success of a particular operation are rapidly rushing to the zero side with an increase in its complexity. However, no one tried to say that espionage is an easy task.

Along with the correction of classic bugs/errors, developers have properly reacted to the wishes of gamers. For once, the arching function of automation appeared. The trained artificial intelligence is from now on independently controlled with the tedious fit of economic sliders – do not forget to set the necessary priorities and the smart man will do everything for you. Complex opponents who do not shy of competent actions were studied thoroughly.

Final comments:

Great add-on to a great game. Fans of the series and simply connoisseurs of high -quality similar strategies are required to use orally. The rest – at will.
Gameplay: classic neighboring game process inherent in each Paradox hold.
Graphics: the screen resolution limit in 1024×768 and the total fading level of the video. Perhaps the graphics are the weakest place in the game, although in serious tactical projects its level is not so critical.
Sound: standard musical accompaniment, not distracting from the main action.

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