In the free time from creating strong games – X, Scrapland, Trackmania – company Enlight engages in heavy and routine labor: makes simulators of everything. To "Simulator of God" It doesn’t come, this site is firmly busy Lionhead. But everything else is as much as you like. Circus simulator, space station, zoo, baseball. All this, of course, in the form "Taikuna", which leaves the players exclusively the economic part of the process. Wave a bat or travel on a lawn mower in any
Hotel Giant is a part of such "Taikunov for every taste", In this case, this is a hotel simulator. Create a building to your liking, hire staff, arrange various "facilities", Wait for visitors. The first part, in fact, was filled exclusively by these four points. If the first three are fulfilled with high quality – the fourth will not slow down to wait, and the hotel guests will not go to competitors. If something went wrong, you can always see what the gentlemen who came up with are dissatisfied. Everything is quiet, peaceful, calm. Nobody drowned anyone in a jacuzzi, did not beat his face in the bar and did not throw it out of the window of the most expensive room. Boring.
What awaits everyone in the second version, which is currently under development and should go out at the end of the year? The developers vowely promise that despondency will no longer visit the players, as often happened in the 2002 edition. But they don’t promise drunk fights under the windows of the hotel. Instead, it should happen: improved artificial intelligence (where without it), new graphics, a thought out interface. There was a trouble with the last part in the first part, so the decision is very true.
They also promise us, also many beautiful places, which, as always, will not watch time. The hotel in the metropolis is trite and dreary, but somewhere on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, or in the Alps – the most then. At the same time, you can organize ski rental, ordinary or water.
Competitors are going to become much larger, and therefore a certain analogue of diplomacy and the global economy should appear. It may even be possible to redeem the unsuccessful competitor in the root, then to use in their ominous plans. It is a pity that the game cannot be combined with Evil Genius. Hotel business – a successful start for a real evil genius.
We will still allow us to train our staff in order to increase its effectiveness. They drove a crowd of worthless cripples for training, paid the proper amount and received quite successful managers and administrators at the exit. Another way to invest in money is advertising. In the first part, she practically did not work, but in the second it should become a much more valuable point. I wonder if it will be possible to make your own commercials and posters? That would be a good course.
So far, the intellect of client customers remains a big question. Observe Buratin from the first part who did not know where to put themselves was boring enough. I would like to believe that in such a long time they have finally erupted the brain, at least in the intake stage.
In general, no special innovations were noticed in comparison with the prequel. The new engine, cosmetic strokes in the field of design, finally borrowed management – that’s all. It is impossible to invent anything new here, except for the very delusional ideas. But the same "cosmetics" and determine whether all this will be playable for most of the public.
Not particularly significant project against the backdrop of others issued Enlight. What he really turns out to show a review of the final version, and according to screenshots and meager information from the developers, nothing sensible can be said. In any case, it is worth expecting him only to lovers of this specific genre.